Saturday, October 23, 2010

My New Favorite Show

I have been so busy with work and school lately that I have barely had time for anything else, including TV. Now I have never been much of a television person (like I’ve said, I’m a bookworm), however, I always had a few select shows that I would make a point to watch the one night of the week that they were on. This year, though, I’ve noticed that I have none. I used to be a big fan of the show “Lost”, but now that the series has ended, it has left a void. Only recently have I come across a show that could possibly become a new favorite. The show is called “House”, and I am extremely late in jumping on the fan bandwagon. The show has been out since 2004 and has apparently created quite a following. As explains: “The series follows the life of anti-social, pain killer addict, witty and arrogant medical doctor Gregory House with only half a muscle in his right leg. He and his team of medical doctors try to cure very ill ordinary people in the United States of America.” The show combines mystery and humor, which to me is a great combination. I am beginning to get to know each character and understand their individual stories. I like the show because I become so intrigued in the mystery of solving each patient’s unique illness. I wish I could have discovered the show sooner.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I've never watched the show myself but my older brother raves about it. After reading this I'm tempted to watch at lease one episode to form my own opinion on it.
