If you are looking for an original gift (for a book lover) a personalized book might be an idea. As I have mentioned before, I am an avid reader. Well, while cleaning out my closet last weekend, I came across an old children’s book of mine. It was a personalized book that my parents had made for me. It said my name throughout the story and the story was about me going on an adventure with two of my cousins. I browsed through the internet this weekend to look for a book like this for my niece and came across several websites that provide this service. Usually you can choose a book of your liking. You can then choose one or more names that you want to have featured in this book. Below I have listed a small selection of websites that provides this type of book.
You can choose out of 150 books for children. There are also some titles available for adults. All the books are hardcover and it will cost between twelve and fifteen dollars to have a book made.
This website sells personalized stories for children. The fun part is that the illustrations are also personalized to look like the child.
This company has only one book on offer, but it adds first, middle and last names to the book. Most other personalized books only have first names.
Here you can pick from a variety of themed books for babies, children and adults. The books can have the name, age, home town and other names printed in the story.
I had a book like that when I was younger too! I had forgotten all about it though. This really is a unique gift idea.