Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Fall Break

Unfortunately I didn’t get to enjoy my Fall Break to the fullest since I had to work Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I did, however, get the chance to go home for Friday and Saturday. I haven’t been home to see my family or my boyfriend in about five weeks now so I really enjoyed it. The weather was almost perfect too. I live in Youngstown, Ohio, which is about three hours from here. When I first got home I went out to lunch with my boyfriend at Friendly’s. Then we went to the local grocery store where he works and bought a pumpkin because we decided we were in the mood to do something “seasonal”. We spent the next few hours designing and carving the pumpkin together at his house. To my surprise, it didn’t turn out that bad. Afterwards, he introduced me to pumpkin seeds for the first time. He seasoned them and put them in the oven. He made me try some, but I didn’t enjoy them nearly as much as he did. After that, I enjoyed a home cooked dinner with my family. The next morning, my boyfriend and I got breakfast, went to the mall, and then came back to my house to bake chocolate chip cookies. This is something we have never done together so we figured it might be fun. It was fun and, once again to my surprise, the cookies actually turned out delicious. I then spent the rest of my Saturday watching movies and lounging around the house. Overall, it was a much- needed, relaxing weekend and I was disappointed when I had to drive back to Toledo on Sunday to work. Hope all of you had a good Fall Break also!

1 comment:

  1. Even though your break was cut short it still seems like you got to squeeze a lot into two days. I haven't carved a pumpkin yet but you reminded me how much I want to. Glad you had fun with your boyfriend!
