Thursday, September 9, 2010

My First Blog

As the title suggests, this is my very first blog. I realize that I am jumping on the blogging bandwagon rather late. To be honest, I just never considered myself to be the “blogging type”. I always thought that I could never be a blogger because I never had anything interesting enough to blog about. I figured that my life was too dull to write about, and that no one would have any interest in reading about it. Recently, however, I started to think about the blogs I’ve read in the past. Since I never blogged, I never read blogs either. Then, I remembered the one website that I visit almost every day- Facebook. On the website , users can make status updates as many times a day as they’d like. They can also read their friends’ status updates. These status updates usually give a brief description of the person’s day, or what the person is doing at the time. They can also be thoughts, ideas, complaints, etc.. I realized that these updates are really just mini blogs. I enjoy reading other peoples’ status updates as much as I enjoy writing my own. I finally decided that since I enjoy this so much, I will also enjoy blogging. Now that I have been assigned to blog for my composition class, I am going to make the best of it. Who knows? I may even become an adamant blogger. Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog! Stay tuned.


  1. Blogging is actually really easy and can be very fun! Just don't overthink when writing. After while it becomes addicting and you'll want to blog all the time. Glad you're giving it a chance!

  2. Thanks for reading! I think I am going to like it.
